I did go out briefly. But only for about 2-1/2 hours.
Today was Justin’s company picnic. I look forward to it every year because they do have a nice picnic…rent a pavillion, grill, play softball games, and the place where they go each year includes a water park. I couldn’t go last year because Cooper was just over a week old, so I was not up to sitting in 90+ degree heat with a newborn and post-partum heat-flashes.
This year I was all about it. I even made sure I had a suitable bathing suit…nothing too matronly since I try to be hip, but nothing that might get Justin fired because it got yanked off by one of my kids while playing in the waterpark.
But Cooper has had diarrhea all week. Mild, but still not suitable for public pool situations. And he’s been fussy, so since the pediatrician still saw fluid behind both his ears on Monday (leftover from his ear infection last month), I thought I’d best bring him in this morning to ensure it hadn’t gotten ugly again.
It had.
So since he was already banned from the pool due to the poops, the ear kind of cinched it that I would not be going at all. Which is just as well since Justin and Gavin left for the picnic shortly after I left for the doctor’s office.
Tonight was also the dinner for a friend’s upcoming birthday, so I had a childcare service coming at 5pm. Justin was supposed to drop Gavin by around the same time (or so I thought) and go on to the Rush concert with the Alaskan students he’s been playing ambassador to all week. By 5:20, no Gavin. And no responses to my calls or voicemails to Justin’s phone.
I go to dinner…play fifth wheel to my friends, and have a couple margaritas with my yummy dinner. Uninterrupted dinner. Well, besides when I called Justin two or three more times, and called the babysitter wondering if my eldest child ever showed up.
He hadn’t.
I finish my dinner, socialize a little more, and arrive home a little after 8pm. The house is completely quiet and the babysitter informs me that Gavin just went to bed…literally passed out from all the water and sun and fun he had today. He’d only gotten home an hour prior. I thank her, pay her, try calling Justin again, then started pouring myself some cosmos.
And since I didn’t have anywhere else to go and no husband to impress, I went from this:
including these:
and exchanged it for this (including swapping out my saucy butt-floss for some saggy maternity undies):
I know. Don’t say it. I am one sexy beast in my ratty t-shirt and old strawberry pj pants.
Dude, if that’s what Justin has to look at every night it’s no wonder the third kid isn’t on it’s way.
Sorry, I can think of nothing more clever than what Karen wrote, so I’m not even trying!
OH COME ON! You’re ADORABLE! Butt floss or not, you’re husband is gonna love ya!
“Saucy butt floss” heh!
You’re so cute! I wish I could have cosmos with you in my jammies too!
The Rush concert should be awesome, BTW. Hubs and I went in the fall.
Hope Cooper get better soon!
Throw heels on with that “outfit” and you’ll be at a whole new level of sexy . . .
Cosmos and jammies can be a pretty sexy combo, especially if you are still awake when your husband gets home 🙂
The cosmos would put me right out, meaning it wouldn’t matter what I was wearing. But I love your out-on-the-town outfit.
Hey! We have that exact wall color going on here too! Weirdly, it’s the most commented on of all the colors in the house.
‘saucy butt floss’
Bwaaaa haaa haaaaa!
I think you still look hawt in your jammies.
And hot shoes girl. And I know shoes!
We have the same uniform! I wear mine every day! But, I keep the sexy butt floss on just to make me feel I still got a sexy butt.
Ya know? There is NOT a THING wrong with the last outfit. Hell if I could get away with wearing that EVERY SINGLE day I would. I love me some comfort.
Well, at least you got to share your fab look with us, right!? Hope Coop is feeling better 🙂
That last outfit is what I put on every day when I get home. But how cute you looked in the first photo! Too bad Justin wasn’t home. Oh well, his loss!
You look even hotter in the PJs than you do in those awesome shoes. Justin is a lucky man!