
Posts Tagged: working mom

Snow Day…a live blogging event

8:15am – School is closed.  There’s a dusting on the ground and it’s presently raining…there better be a heckuva lot more snow by 3pm. 9:00am – After dropping Cooper and Nolan off at daycare, stopped at the grocery store to get a Starbucks coffee and to load up on yogurt. Expand Your Portfolio and Open […]

Is This Thing On?

Hi, my name is Colleen, and I’ve been MIA for longer than I care to think about. Between commuting to my full-time job, caring for our three children, three cats, two dogs, and one house, I was busy. Justin’s job sending him to all sorts of locations for days on end just made things insane. […]

Nolan Does Science

Over the past couple weeks I’ve been pumping and storing some milk for when I go back to work. I haven’t gotten very far as it seems we have endless doctor appointments or other items popping up and making it a bit difficult to take 20-30 min to get myself situated to pump sometime in […]

Nolan’s Birth Story

Wow…has it already been over two three weeks since Nolan was born? I know I’ve been deep within the post-partum fog, but it seems that time has flown even faster with all the breast feeding, the bilirubin tests, matching Nolan to orange and yellow paint samples, and people in the house helping out. Justin usually […]

On Baby Watch

I already announced this on Facebook the other day and would’ve here as well, but I’ve gotten lazy. Wednesday morning I had my 37 week check-up. My weight was good (36 pounds gained), my blood pressure was good (110/75), even my pee was good (no sugar and very little protein)! The doctor asked about contractions, […]