
Posts Tagged: challenges

So Where Was I?

Oh yeah, I was pregnant. Correction. I still am. And largely so, it seems. According to Baby Center, I’m 18 weeks. I tend to lose track until I get that weekly update from them telling me what food item my baby now compares to: “your baby is now the size of a blueberry!”, “your baby […]

Let the Giggling Commence

Folks…I know we are our own worst critics, but all of you who know me IRL (in real life) never told me I make those faces all the time! GAAA! Anyways…watch, point, laugh, mock. And thank you very much to Playtex for the opportunity–it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed watching the other […]

Can’t Stop!

Okay, I’ve been caught up in Comment Land here and here.  I really should be making bottles, going to bed, or catching up on all the fine blogs in my reader and blogroll.  But I.Can’t.Stop!  Really.  I can’t.  Not sure why the carseat one is occupying so much of my attention…probably because I am (1) crazy […]

Shoulda Never Left

I won’t get into the dirty details, but lets just say, I’m kinda glad to be back home.  I mean, I missed Justin, Gavin, and my pets, but um, I don’t think I will ever leave my house and job for more than 2 or 3 days again.  With how much I have to clean […]

Writing Challenge: What Kind of Superpowers Would You Have?

Thank goodness for writing challenges…I considered doing a Thursday 13, but haven’t decided if I wanted to commit myself to that quite yet (but probably will). So if I was a Superhero, what would my superpowers be?  I know this probably isn’t terribly original, but I’d like to be able to read people’s minds.  I […]