
The Great Mofo Delurk ———>

Hi there…I see you.

Today has been unofficially announced as the Great Mofo Delurk day. So wherever your surfing may take you, please be sure to comment on the blogs you meet. Like mine. Love it? Hate it? Think I am very weird and lukewarm? Just tell me! And tell others! See that fancy bright green button on the right-hand side? that makes today OFFICIAL!!! I mean, gawd, if there’s a fancy button (that also comes in like 6 other colors), then it must be real and official and a cardinal law.

embrace your commenting…come out of your lurking life into the bright commenting light!

oh, and thanks. 🙂

About the Author


This is a blog where I will share my adventures and mundane tasks as a work-out-of-home-mom. I now have 2 kids and my wonderful husband, so the juggling has gotten a little bit more tricky (man-on-man defense). We also have 2 dogs and 3 cats (we used to have 4) so as you can imagine, our household is pretty busy. Since I never feel like I'm being listened to, I figured I'll just start talking at the general Internet community and see what happens.



Justin just informed of your blog…so not an official lurking but first time commenter here now!


Just over from Looky, Daddy! Gotta get me one of those buttons… love what I read here. Thanks for educating the huddled masses about delurking day.

Burgh Baby's Mom

I found you because you delurked over at LookyDaddy. Since I’m also in a mofo’ing delurking kind of mood, I thought I would say hi. So, Hi!


Although no longer delurking day, I just wanted you to know that I’ve found you’re site and will continuing to read…


First time reader, first time poster. Found the site off some crazy Justin guy’s site. (Seems a little coo-coo, beware.) While the content is funny, what is even better is that I have your (Collen) voice in my head reading it to me with crazy faces, random sounds and sass. Try it sometime…takes the experience to a whole new level.


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