
Cooper Flips Over the New Year

Okay, I’ll just put my disclaimer out there…I am a bad bad mom. I finally got Cooper to roll-over (belly to back), and even got in on video, buuuuuuut…..I just kept forgetting to upload the videos to YouTube in order to put up here for your enjoyment. Or for him to see when he’s older so that he doesn’t think I wasn’t excited about him reaching a milestone. So here he is, in all his rolling glory (along with the crazy Ginger dog who is a camera hog):

and, because I really didn’t hit “record” in time to capture him on his belly, I flipped him back onto his belly, much to his displeasure (and much to my amusement, judging from my giggling):

And um, don’t bother clicking on any of the Cooper imposter videos that pop up after you watch the movie…no need to see that I was a bad mom and didn’t get him to roll over at 8 weeks or 3 months or any of that rigged business.

Oh, by the way, Grandparents, he’s getting bigger every day! You know you’re always welcome to come on out and visit and watch Gavin flying or Cooper rolling around (or just Cooper’s rolls…heh heh).

Okay. I’m a really bad mom.

About the Author


This is a blog where I will share my adventures and mundane tasks as a work-out-of-home-mom. I now have 2 kids and my wonderful husband, so the juggling has gotten a little bit more tricky (man-on-man defense). We also have 2 dogs and 3 cats (we used to have 4) so as you can imagine, our household is pretty busy. Since I never feel like I'm being listened to, I figured I'll just start talking at the general Internet community and see what happens.



Yeah for Cooper!!! My videoing skills are horrible…I haven’t even figured out how to put them up on the computer yet! Ha!


I just found your blog and really LOVE the name. I am definitely a wine lover. A good glass of wine is a great way to end a day of chasing after crazy kids.

Your little one is SO cute!

Take care!

Madame Queen

So cute!

That mascara, by the way is Max Factor. Can’t believe I forgot to include that part! Guess I’m not a very good spokesperson after all!


Yeah! That’s so fun, those tiny little milestones that are giant leaps for little ones and great accomplishments to boast about for parents. There are so many more to come!


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