Since a certain Tranny Head is threatening to scare the living daylights outta me, I’m posting this pic until I get the rest of the pics from Justin and have time to post fer reals…
Your eyes are not playing tricks on you…that is Tranny Head’s little Sumo with my boys (click image to enlarge your view of all the dimpled cuteness).
Ok – so – Cooper and Gavin actually look very similar in this photo. The eyes have the same shape/angle to them.
And Sumo? Looks as big as Gavin. Hawt!
No the heck way! How cute is that? Wait – y’all live half a country apart. What did I miss?
Sumo looks like he could eat both of your kids. Just sayin’.
Too cute! And I’m so jealous you got to hang with Sumo!
We need to do another DC area get together. I will post something about that tonight or tomorrow. I think we go with the adult only idea, yes?
So you HAVE SEEN THE HEAD???? Intriguing. I thought she lived a ways from you?