
Rummel Midwest Tour 2009 – Part 1

Last week Thursday we packed up the car and the kids and headed off to Chicago. After about six hours we stopped off at a hotel…for free, thanks to Justin’s hotel points from all his traveling. We ate dinner and went swimming, then I tried to bathe the kids.

I say “tried” because when I stood Cooper in the tub, he nearly fell, so I sat him down, where he promptly slid and rolled around on his chubby bottom, nearly cracking his skull. I tried holding him still, but he just kept sliding all over.

I stupidly added Gavin into the tub as well, but he nearly fell and slid around as well, his long limbs flailing around smacking Cooper, who’d start sliding, rolling, and now howling as I struggled to lean over the side of the tub, scrub both of them and keep them from getting hurt. I finally got fed up, pulled off the shirt I had over my swim suit and climbed in, nearly falling myself.

After I got them relatively clean, I handed off Cooper to Justin, helped Gavin out of the tub and we got them in bed. Then we sat down in the hallway of the hotel in our pajamas and shared a bottle of wine, drank out of plastic hotel cups.

The following morning we grabbed some breakfast, packed up the car, and continued the remaining six hours to Chicago, where we had Pepe’s with my mom.

On Saturday we had hoped to make a quick run to the Brookfield Zoo, but the rain decided otherwise, so we lazed-around abit until it was time to go to Meghan’s first birthday party.

Justin and I enjoyed spending time chatting with family, watching the kids acting like a band of wild animals, screeching as they ran around the house. My cousin, Jill, introduced me to a fun new wine, Kim Crawford, though I can’t remember if it was the chardonnay or the savignon blanc that we were drinking, but it was good. Had a sweet grapefruit start and a quick peppery finish.

After the party, we drove to my dad’s and followed him and my stepmom to Ditka’s, where we met up with my brother, Jeremy, and Sheina. We had a very tasty and lengthy dinner, and the kids surprised me by being incredibly patient considering we were there for over two hours. We did take our dessert to-go, though, which turned out being the best choice so that the kids could run around beating up my dad while the rest of us enjoyed our ice cream and pie. And more wine, of course.

We left late, snuck the kids into bed, then stayed up a while longer with my mom and stepdad, chatting and drinking more wine. Though I should admit I had hot chocolate instead.

About the Author


This is a blog where I will share my adventures and mundane tasks as a work-out-of-home-mom. I now have 2 kids and my wonderful husband, so the juggling has gotten a little bit more tricky (man-on-man defense). We also have 2 dogs and 3 cats (we used to have 4) so as you can imagine, our household is pretty busy. Since I never feel like I'm being listened to, I figured I'll just start talking at the general Internet community and see what happens.



Sounds like a good time, and a slippery tub! But I guess you can’t complain too much because it was a free room.

I’m doing another DC Area meet up, if you are interested. Come by and vote on a day!


So did someone rinse that tub down with baby oil?!

Good call on not going to the zoo, wet animals smell really, really bad! 🙂

Sounds like you all had fun though, despite the weather.


Brookfield Zoo! I can’t believe I moved away from Chi-town. *sniff* I know you didn’t get a chance to go, but still . . . jealous you were even nearby.


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