
Goodbye from Justin

Since I have been a huge slacker, due to work, Justin traveling, back-to-back-to-back (yes, three) colds, Thanksgiving, and a short, but all-consuming obsession with all things “Twilight”-related, I am reposting Justin’s article from this past Sunday. I will certainly miss checking on his perspective of things and the funny pics he takes while on his travels that end up on his site. Most of all, I will miss the time we’d spend together editing his big and/or more important posts, especially the ones regarding the births and milestones of our kids.

(Originally Posted on Sunday, November 29, 2009 at www.justinrummel.com)

I have maintained a personal site now for over a decade where I have generated:

* almost 500 articles
* posted over 6100 pictures
* archived too many memories to recount

This site has been my learning playground of PHP scripting and site design, which has helped me greatly in my professional life and my abilities to contribute to open source communities.

With that, I’ve decided to stop posting personal updates. This decision did not manifest because I became overly security conscious of identity thieves, but because of my professional life now deals with highly technical and smart individuals who can easily profile me professionally and create prejudices before we even meet. With that, beginning in 2010 this site will change to a purely professional site that won’t hold much more than a bio, resume, and current events that I may be attending in a professional environment.

It has been fun and I will miss writing articles of new adventures that Gavin and Cooper experience, and Baby #3 will never exist on this site which is sad. However, I now have a Flickr Pro account where I can upload as many pictures as I desire, and Colleen always has her site to get family updates.


About the Author


This is a blog where I will share my adventures and mundane tasks as a work-out-of-home-mom. I now have 2 kids and my wonderful husband, so the juggling has gotten a little bit more tricky (man-on-man defense). We also have 2 dogs and 3 cats (we used to have 4) so as you can imagine, our household is pretty busy. Since I never feel like I'm being listened to, I figured I'll just start talking at the general Internet community and see what happens.



That is probably a wise move on Justin’s part. So, what are you guys doing with the archives? I hope that you can save them all, afterall they are memories, etc.


I’ll let the laptop run overnight to download the mysql database and 2GB of data and archive it on my drobo just in case. 😀


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