This is what I found on my bed the other morning:
Yeah, I thought the same thing as you…who the heck pooped on my freshly washed sheets??? As I got closer I was starting to realize what it truly was:
and thank the good Lord above, it wasn’t poop.
Instead, it used to be this guy:
I hope I’m not mistaken for poop when I die.
Oh, thank gawd!
Whew! That’s a relief! Although, will there be drama as to the chewing up of said toy?
Jenni would have had me convinced it was poop, and then laugh her butt off if I fell for it… Which NEVER happens, riiigggghhhht. 🙂
Actually, it looks less like poop and more like something that should still be attached to his owner.
I still think it looks like poop!
Ugh. That would’ve freaked me out. But, of course, at my house, it would’ve been poop.
Bwahahaha! We had a little GA bulldog balloon animal that ended up looking very much like that.
Blech! If you hadn’t proven for a fact that it wasn’t doody, I totally wouldn’t have believed you.
I am laughing at Beth. And poor balloon. He had a tragic death.
So glad it’s not poop! Cause who would you blame? Child? Animal? Justin? hehe.
Too bad it wasn’t a Baby Ruth!
Thanks for the laugh! I was very convinced that somehow you had poop on your bed.
BTW, our blog title and tag line crack me up.
TOO FUNNY! You poor thing, being served a heart attack like that. 🙂
Oh Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa!!! Totally looks like a part of my husband that will be missing soon.