
Posts Tagged: Kids

Starting Young

We start ’em off young on Legos around here.

The Rummels Storm the Beach

Last week we packed up the kids and the dogs in the truck and headed south to what seems to now be our annual trip to Virginia Beach (two years in a row makes it “annual”, right?).  I was a little worried about the weather, as they were calling for rain several times during our […]

Eats, Sleeps, and Shoots Poop

As with most babies, it takes a little time to learn their likes and dislikes, and to start guessing at what talents they may have as the grow. With Gavin, he instantly enjoyed music and was singing complex songs before he was actually speaking well. Cooper appeared to be on-course to be a brilliant comedian […]

Week 38 – Where I Find Motivation to Clean House

I had my 38 week check-up yesterday and was convinced that even though I was STILL not contracting regularly, and the contractions were STILL not increasing in intensity, and that my water STILL had not broken, that my cervix was at least dilating. And I had partially convinced myself that if I was far enough […]

Look! Sonogram Images!

*pay no attention to the negligent mother hiding behind the computer screen* I really and truly have been meaning to post these. But I really and truly did have an issue with my scanner. I would attempt to scan the images and it would say “uh, I’m sorry, which computer would you like these sent […]