
Birthday Planning with an Almost Five Year Old

Me: Hey Gavin, it’s your birthday soon. What kind of birthday do you want?
Gavin: I want a Batman birthday!
Me: Okay. So you don’t want a Wolverine cake anymore?
Gavin: Um…how ’bout you put Batman next to Wolverine and that will be my cake?
Me: Well, you can’t really do that, buddy.
Gavin: why?
Me: Because one’s a DC and the other’s a Marvel.
Gavin: huh?
Me: You’ll understand soon enough.

About the Author


This is a blog where I will share my adventures and mundane tasks as a work-out-of-home-mom. I now have 2 kids and my wonderful husband, so the juggling has gotten a little bit more tricky (man-on-man defense). We also have 2 dogs and 3 cats (we used to have 4) so as you can imagine, our household is pretty busy. Since I never feel like I'm being listened to, I figured I'll just start talking at the general Internet community and see what happens.



Ah, Mom! I wanna Batman and Wolverine!!! Make it happen, please?

How about two cakes, one Batman, the other Wolverine. Then you kind of, sort of, SMASH them together! That would be SO cool!! Can’t you do that for your little angel? 🙂


@Roger; no! we cannot cross pollinate DC comics and Marvel Comics. It would be a sin and would cause a rip in the time continuum thus destroying the universe!!! do you want that just to smash cakes??? 😉

Party Time | Wine Please

[…] was Gavin’s birthday party, and despite our earlier discussions regarding birthday themes we went with a pirate theme, which was easier, and I think, a lot more […]


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