
Posts Tagged: Gavin

Finding Out

This morning we will (hopefully) find out what we’re having. As most people know, I’m really hoping this baby will be a girl because it will be nice to have some pink and lace around here. I mean, the dogs are both girls, but their inability to see most colors makes them less excited about […]

So Where Was I?

Oh yeah, I was pregnant. Correction. I still am. And largely so, it seems. According to Baby Center, I’m 18 weeks. I tend to lose track until I get that weekly update from them telling me what food item my baby now compares to: “your baby is now the size of a blueberry!”, “your baby […]

Wacky Wednesday

I should’ve known today was going to be a bit off. Gavin woke me up at 6am and would not shut up. I mean it. The poor thing inherited my annoying “gift” of gab but it seems to be on hyperdrive. I’m not even sure half of what he was saying since I was still […]

Counting Your Chickens

A few weeks ago, the kids and I went to a local farm to pick up some fresh produce, let me shop for more plants to kill, and to introduce them to more animals. After purchasing a couple pounds of jalapenos, which resulted in Cooper having a complete meltdown because I wouldn’t let him eat […]

Pics from Gavin’s Epic Birthday

Due to having all of our family out of town, most of our Christmas and birthday gifts are mailed. So Gavin got a gift from Justin’s sister, Jen, and her family early in the week, so he opened it on the morning of his birthday along with a few small gifts from us (since Justin […]