
Posts Tagged: Justin

Here We Go Again

Early this morning Justin got up and left for another long trip in Alaska. Instead of nineteen days like last time, this one is seventeen. Somehow those two less days are supposed to make me feel better, according to him. But since I’ve still got a weird nervous tick leftover from his last trip, that […]

Yes, He’s Home

Justin’s back. He got back just fine, perfectly safe, and the boys and I have been very very happy to have him home. My birthday yesterday was fun. Cooper has decided that anytime his food “breaks” (i.e. banana breaks in half, cheese slice bends and breaks), that he should have a major meltdown. I am […]

Let’s Do the Time Warp Agaaaiiiin! (Day 16)

Lost a week there, eh? Man, does time fly when you’re unconscious… Well, it’s been a very busy and hectic one. And cold…freaking cold. But mostly busy and hectic, and yes, I’ll say it, lonely. Lonely in a house with three cats, two (three…more on that later) dogs, and two kids. Justin has been in […]

What’s Today? Oh, Day 11

And only 8 more to go. I really can’t complain because the kids have been uncommonly good. So to all of you who are praying and thinking good thoughts for me…big kisses and hugs and thank yous because it’s making a difference and I truly truly truly appreciate it. The hard part, besides balancing everything […]

Six Down, Thirteen to Go

I actually got more sleep last night than I usually do and I’m tireder. Is that a word? Anyways, I was thinking “hey, it’s Thursday…Justin will be home soon.” Then I realized he won’t be back for thirteen more days. I miss him. So do the boys, but thankfully, they have been taking this trip […]