
Monthly Archives: February 29, 2008

Letters While Driving 6

Yes, I am a bit ill-mannered today…after a rough week of unfulfilling issues at work (hate when I just can’t get things fixed), bad traffic, severe sleep deprivation, and crabby kids, I was not about to put up with people’s crappy driving. Dear Effing Sniggy B**** in the White Yaris: I understand that where you […]

Dude, Where’s My Chips?

I walked into the Safeway near my office today, desperate for some potato chips.  I don’t eat them too often, but I just needed some salty goodness.  I go into the chip aisle and stare at the 16 feet of chip choices and I can’t find the ones I want.  The chips I NEED.  I […]

In Case You Were Wondering

Got a few random updates.  Just in case you were wondering. Found out that Strivectin-SD actually works!  I went so far as to only put it on one half of my belly and after about three weeks of almost regular use, I actually saw a difference.  The biggest purple-ist stretch marks lightened up noticeably.  I […]

Bathroom Etiquette

Okay…just to warn everyone, I really will be talking about the bathroom, and what folks do in the bathroom.  I know many of you are in denial about body functions (I know I was), but well, I just need to get this off my chest.  So if you’re squeamish, um, go away and check back […]

Picture Meme…what I’m doing instead of laundry.

Since that silly baby has been too sick to let me sleep or eat or create coherent thoughts, I thought it best to just do one of the memes that I’m behind on.  THis is one that I tagged myself from Madame Queen.  If you want to do it, here are the rules. You have […]